How much do you know about nuclear waste disposal? Check out these nuclear power pictures to learn more. Nuclear waste epitomizes the double-edged sword of modern technology. It's a toxic and radioactive byproduct of nuclear medicine, nuclear weapons manufacturing and nuclear power plants. In short, it's the type of waste that reflects one of.
IMPORTANT:. If you get an internet connection but have dropped connections or low signal strength, download and install any SmartWi Connection Utility or VAIO Smart Network Utility update, and any wireless adapter driver update available. Downloads are posted on your model support page. This solution has been written to work with all VAIO® computers that use the Windows® 8, Windows® 7 or Windows Vista® operating system. Because of this, some steps are in general terms.
The reason for this is that the process to perform that particular step is different depending on the model computer you have. For information specific to any particular model on how to complete any of the steps in this solution, refer to its manuals. Manuals are posted on your model support page. Download dictionary for mac. Because each of these steps represents a possible solution to this issue, and view websites through the Internet Explorer® browser, or the Google Chrome™ browser after you complete each step. Verify the physical wireless switch is turned on. IMPORTANT:.
All VAIO computers with the Windows® 7 or Windows Vista® operating system, or that have been upgraded to the Windows® 8 operating system from Windows® 7 or Vista, will include either the SmartWi Connection Utility or the VAIO Smart Network Utility, but not both. If neither SmartWi Connection Utility or VAIO Smart Network Utility are available, use the Windows Mobility Center to turn on the WLAN adapter. VAIO computers that came with Windows® 8 operating system don't need and will not have either the SmartWi Connection Utility, or the VAIO Smart Network Utility. The Windows® 8 operating system takes the place of those two utilities. Use the operating system utility to. Configure the.
and test the wireless connection. Note: If the connection works in Safe Mode, an anti-virus or anti-spyware software likely causes the issue. Configure any installed anti-virus or anti-spyware software properly as per the manufacturer's instructions. If anti-virus or anti-spyware software has been removed or disabled to troubleshoot the issue, enable or reinstall it to prevent exposure to malicious software. After you enable or reinstall the software, configure it properly per the manufacturer's instructions to allow the internet or network connection to work correctly. If possible, test another computer on the wireless network. Note: If the router isn't getting a WAN IP address, the issue is likely caused by a problem with ISP.
There is a risk of data loss. If a router has been specifically configured (PPPoe, DSL, MAC address filtering, security, etc.), the settings will be removed by resetting the router and it will have to be reconfigured. Reset the router and/or modem per the manufacturer's instructions. Check to determine if causes the issue. Disable Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6). NOTE: Depending on the operating system, the steps to disable Internet Protocol Version 6 may vary. Adjust the settings on the WLAN router, such as the.
to resolve certain issues.
Lactic Acid is often described as the intense burning or fatigue in the muscle during or post exercise. This is true, that is lactic acid. But scientifically, lactic acid is a three carbon, organic acid thats produced by anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration. Two types of lactic acid exists. D-lactic acid is a result of fermentation of dextrose.
Regardless of the name the system creates energy in the same way. The lactic acid system produces energy in the absence of oxygen, as mentioned in the.
L-lactic acid is a product of glucose and glycogen and its metabolism. This is mostly involved in muscular contraction. L-lactic acid is also a racemic mixture that can be found in sour milk and in the stomach. Small amounts of L-lactic acid can also be found in small amounts in other foods.
The electron transport system in mitochondria makes atp diagram of non cyclic photophosphorylation the photosystems and electron transport chain. Lactic acid is produced when glucose is metabolized, and an excessive amount may irritate muscles. Under pressure, the human muscles produce lactic acid, which can cause pain if it accumulates. Lactic acid is an acid which is produced in muscles when glucose is metabolized.
When oxygen becomes avaliable, lactic acid will be completely broken down to carbon dioxide and water. If your lactate threshold has been 'ran up' at a low level of exercise intensity, it pretty much means that the 'oxidative energy systems' in your muscles are not working at their peak ability.
If performing at a high level, they would use oxygen to break lactate down to carbon dioxide and water, stopping the flood of lactate from pouring into the blood. One can tell if his lactic acid threshold is low. Some signs your's might be low include: -you are not getting enough oxygen inside your muscle cells -you do not have proper amount, or the right combination of the enzymes necessary to oxidize pyruvate at high rates -you do not have enough mitochondria in your muscle cells. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is acutally banned by the Olympics and many other national organiations for its buffering effect on lacti acid, thus putting an athlete that uses it at an 'unfair' advantage becuase of the training you can do without having to stop from the pain of lactic acid. Things like creatine also help your threshold of lactic acid, yet another advantage of creatine phosphate. There are various supplements out there these days that prevent lactic acid but most of piss in the wind supplements and arent proven for fitness application.
Thanks for your reading, YJ. Originally posted by windwords7 Thank YJ, great stuff bro! Any diet suggestions to improve on this area?
This is more of a physical fitness area in my opinion. The most important thing to fight off lactic acid is to get more oxygen into the muscles. This means first taking enough in, then getting it through the blood then into the muscles. I read an article dealing with of all things, drug use and bodybuilders and one concept they discussed it the affects of certain drugs in shrinking or contricting the veins, thus making it hard to get enough oxygen to the muscles.
Smoking is also a no no in bodybuilding, largely in part because the restriction it puts on getting oxygen rich blood through the body. As a dietary suggestion.VEGETABLES!
Do you recover poorly from anaerobic training or racing? The problem could be a thiamin deficiency. Thiamin, or vitamin B1, is a nutrient essential for controlling levels of lactic acid produced during more-intense efforts. It is used by the body to convert lactic acid to glucose, which is then used by the muscles to produce energy. Studies show that people with low levels of thiamin have elevated lactate levels, which are associated with reduced muscle and aerobic function.
It should be noted, however, that lactic acid is not directly related to muscle soreness or pain (see accompanying article on Muscle Pain and Working Out). In addition to anaerobic exercise, regular use of alcohol, caffeine or other diuretics depletes thiamin levels, as can antibiotic use and increased carbohydrate consumption. Symptoms of low thiamin levels include lower-than-normal body temperature, fatigue, headaches, itchy skin, intolerance to noise, and reduced mental productivity. Some studies also show high lactate levels to be associated with depression, anxiety, phobias and panic disorders, even in people with no psychiatric history. Natural sources of thiamin include meats, nuts, seeds, vegetables, nutritional yeast and whole grains. In addition to making sure you eat enough thiamin-rich foods, it's also important to avoid raw foods containing thiaminase. This enzyme destroys thiamin but you can destroy it first with heat.
Foods that contain thiaminase, and should therefore always be cooked, include Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, clams, oysters, herring and smelt. High-dose thiamin supplements can be counterproductive as they may result in poor absorption. If you do not eat enough thiamin-rich foods and need to supplement it's best to use a low-dose product such as Standard Process Cataplex B, three to four times daily, rather than taking one high dose daily. 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT LACTIC ACID: OLD MYTHS AND NEW REALITIES, by Thomas Fahey, Ed.D., Professor of Exercise Physiology, California State University at Chico Lactic acid has a bad reputation.
Many people blame it for fatigue, sore muscles, and cramps. They think of it as a waste product that should be avoided at all cost. Scientists have discovered that lactic acid plays a critical role in generating energy during exercise. Far from being the bad boy of metabolism, lactic acid provides fuels for many tissues, helps use dietary carbohydrates, and serves as fuel for liver production of glucose and glycogen. In fact, lactic acid is nature's way of helping you survive stressful situations.
Lactic acid has a dark side. When your body makes lactic acid, it splits into lactate ion (lactate) and hydrogen ion.
Hydrogen ion is the acid in lactic acid. It interferes with electrical signals in your muscles and nerves, slows energy reactions, and impairs muscle contractions. The burn you feel in intense exercise is caused by hydrogen ion buildup. So, when you fatigue, don't blame it on lactic acid. Rather, place the blame where it belongs- on hydrogen ion. Lactate has been made guilty by association.
Far from being a metabolic pariah, the body loves lactate. It is an extremely fast fuel that's preferred by the heart and muscles during exercise.
Lactate is vital for ensuring that your body gets a steady supply of carbohydrates, even during exercise that lasts for many hours. Lactate is so valuable, that taking it as part of a fluid replacement drink before, during, or after exercise improves performance and speeds recovery.
Lactate is a friend to triathletes, distance runners, swimmers, and cyclists. When you learn the facts about lactic acid, you will think of it in a whole new light. Harness the power of lactic acid and you will increase your energy level and stave off fatigue. Here are ten things you should know about lactic acid: 1.
Lactic acid is formed from the breakdown of glucose. During this process the cells make ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which provides energy for most of the chemical reactions in the body. Lactic acid formation doesn't use oxygen, so the process is often called anaerobic metabolism. Lactate-related ATP production is small but very fast.
This makes it ideal for satisfying energy needs anytime exercise intensity exceeds 50% of maximum capacity. Lactic acid doesn't cause muscle soreness and cramps. Delayed onset muscle soreness, the achy sensation in your muscles the day after a tough workout, is caused by muscle damage and post-exercise tissue inflammation. Most muscle cramps are caused by muscle nervous receptors that become overexcitable with muscle fatigue. Many athletes use massage, hot baths, and relaxation techniques to help them rid their muscles of lactic acid and thus relieve muscle soreness and cramping. While these techniques probably have other benefits, getting rid of lactic acid isn't one of them.
Lactate is used rapidly for fuel during exercise and recovery and doesn't remain in the muscles like motor oil. The body produces lactic acid whenever it breaks down carbohydrates for energy. The faster you break down glucose and glycogen the greater the formation of lactic acid. At rest and submaximal exercise, the body relies mainly on fats for fuel. However, when you reach 50% of maximum capacity, the threshold intensity for most recreational exercise programs, the body 'crosses over' and used increasingly more carbohydrates to fuel exercise. The more you use carbohydrates as fuel, the more lactic acid you produce. Lactic acid can be formed in muscles that are receiving enough oxygen.
As you increase the intensity of exercise, you rely more and more on fast-twitch muscle fibers. These fibers use mainly carbohydrates to fuel their contractions.
As discussed, whenever you break down carbohydrates for energy, your muscles produce lactic acid. The faster you go, the more fast-twitch muscles you use. Consequently, you use more carbohydrates as fuel and produce more lactic acid. Increased blood lactic acid means only that the rate of entry of lactic acid into the blood exceeds the removal rate. Oxygen has little to do with it.
Many tissues, particularly skeletal muscles, continuously produce and use lactic acid. Blood levels of lactic acid reflect the balance between lactic acid production and use. An increase in lactic acid concentration does not necessarily mean that the lactic acid production rate was increased. Lactic acid may increase because of a decreased rate of removal from blood or tissues.
Lactic acid production is proportional to the amount of carbohydrates broken down for energy in the tissues. Whenever you use carbohydrates, a significant portion is converted to lactate.
This lactate is then used in the same tissues as fuel, or it is transported to other tissues via the blood stream and used for energy. Rapid use of carbohydrate for fuel, such as during intense exercise, accelerates lactic acid produciton. Temporarily, lactic acid builds up in your muscles and blood because it can't be used as fuel fast enough.
However, if you slow down the pace of exercise or stop exercising, the rate of lactate used for energy soon catches up with the rate of lactate production. George Brooks, a Professor from the Department of Integrative Biology at University of California at Berkeley, described the dynamic production and use of lactic acid in metabolism in his 'Lactate Shuttle Theory.' This theory describes the central role of lactic acid in carbohydrate metabolism and it's importance as a fuel for metabolism. The body uses lactic acid as a biochemical 'middleman' for metabolizing carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the diet are digested and enter the circulation form the intestines to the liver mainly in the form of glucose (blood sugar). However, instead of entering the liver as glucose and being converted directly to glycogen, most glucose from dietary carbohydrate bypasses the liver, enters the general circulation and reaches your muscles and converts into lactic acid.
Lactic acid then goes back into the blood and travels back to the liver where it is used as building blocks for making liver glycogen. Your body produces much of its liver glycogen indirectly from lactic acid rather than directly from blood glucose. Scientists call the process of making liver glycogen from lactic acid the 'Glucose Paradox'. The theory was formulated by famous biochemist Dr. McGarry and his associates. It shows the importance of lactic acid in carbohydrate metabolism.
During endurance races, such as marathons and triathlons, blood lactic acid levels stabilize even though lactic acid production increases. This occurs because your capacity to produce lactic acid is matched by your ability to use it as fuel.
Early during a race, there is a tremendous increase in the rates that muscle uptake and use glucose and breakdown glycogen. The increased rate of carbohydrate metabolism steps up production of muscle lactic acid, which also causes an increase in blood lactic acid. As your body directs blood to your working muscles, you can shuttle the lactate to other tissues and use it as fuel. This reduces lactic acid levels in your muscles and blood, even though you continue to produce great quantities of lactic acid. However, you often feel better during the race or training. This relief is sometimes called 'second wind'. Scientists use radioactive tracers to follow the use pattern of fuels in your blood and muscles.
Their studies show that during exercise, lactic acid production and removal continue at 300-500 percent of resting rates, even though oxygen consumption has stabilized at submaximal levels. The heart, slow-twitch muscle fibers, and breathing muscles prefer lactate as a fuel during exercise. In the heart, for example, the uptake of lactate increases many fold as the intensity of exercise increases while uptake of glucose remains unchanged.
These tissues suck up lactate at a fast rate to satisfy their energy needs. Lactic acid is a very fast fuel that can be used to athletes' advantage during exercise. The concentration of both glucose and lactic acid rise in the blood after a carbohydrate-rich meal, but the blood lactic acid concentration does not rise much because it is removed so rapidly.
The body converts glucose, a substance removed from the blood only sluggishly, to lactate, a substance removed and used rapidly. Using lactic acid as a carbohydrate 'middleman' helps you get rid of carbohydrates from your diet, without increasing insulin or stimulating fat synthesis. During exercise, you won't want an increase in insulin because it decreases the availability of carbohydrates that are vital to high performance metabolism. Why is lactic acid so important in metabolic regulation? The exact answer is unknown, but there do appear to be several physiological reasons.
Lactic acid- in contrast to glucose and other fuels- is smaller and better exchanged between tissues. It moves across cell membranes by a rapid process called facilitated transport. Other fuels need slower carrier systems such as insulin. Also, lactate is made rapidly in large quantities in muscle and released into general circulation. Muscle cells with large glycogen reserves cannot release significant amounts of this potential energy source as glucose because muscle lacks a key enzyme required to produce free glucose that can be released to the blood. Including lactate as part of a fluid replacement beverage provides a rapid fuel that can help provide energy during intense exercise.
The rationale for including lactate in athletic drinks is simple- since the body breaks down so much of dietary carbohydrates to lactate anyway, why not start with lactate in the first place? Lactate in the drink can be used rapidly by most tissues in the body and serves as readily available building blocks for restoring liver glycogen during recovery. Proper training programs can speed lactic acid removal from your muscles. This can be achieved by combining high intensity, interval, and over-distance training. Athletes and coaches must learn to deal effectively with lactic acid.
Fortunately, most training programs incorporate elements necessary to speed lactate removal. Training programs should build your capacity to remove lactic acid during competition. Lactic acid formation and removal rates increase as you run, bike or swim faster. To improve your capacity to use lactate as a fuel during exercise, you must increase the lactic acid load very high during training. Training with a lot of lactic acid in your system stimulates your body to produce enzymes that speed the use of lactic acid as a fuel. High intensity interval training will cause cardiovascular adaptations that increase oxygen delivery to your muscles and tissues.
Consequently, you have less need to breakdown carbohydrate to lactic acid. Also, better circulation helps speed the transport of lactic acid to tissues that can remove it from the blood.
Over distance training causes muscular adaptations that speed the rate of lactate removal. Over distance training in running, swimming, or cycling increases muscle blood supply and the mitochondrial capacity. Mitochondria are structures within the cells that process fuels, consume oxygen, and produce large amounts of ATP. A larger muscle mitochondrial capacity increases the use of fatty acids as fuel, which decreases lactate formation and speeds its removal. Nutrition is also important, strenuous training depletes glycogen reserves in the muscle and liver. A diet high in carbohydrates is essential for all endurance athletes. Carbohydrates supply an immediate source of glucose so the athlete has a feeling of well-being and a source of quick energy.
Further, glucose is used to restore muscle glycogen from exercise. When the blood glucose and muscle glycogen reserves are renewed, glucose provides a source of lactate that helps replenish liver glycogen.
Summary Lactic acid is an important fuel for the body during rest and exercise. It is used to synthesize liver glycogen and is one of our most important energy sources. Lactate is the preferred fuel source in highly oxidative tissues, such as heart muscle and slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers. It is used rapidly by the body and is a valuable component in athletic fluid replacement beverages. Lactic acid also is a powerful organic acid, and its accumulation can cause distress and fatigue during exercise. Athletes need both high intensity and over-distance training to improve the capacity to use lactic acid as a fuel during exercise and recovery. High intensity training develops cardiovascular capacity that reduces lactic acid transport to tissues that can use it as fuels.
Over distance training causes tissue enzymes adaptations that increase use of fatty acids for energy. This helps slow lactic acid production from carbohydrates and to enhance tissues ability to use lactic acid as fuel.
Lactic Acid The expression 'lactic acid' is used most commonly by athletes to describe the intense pain felt during exhaustive exercise, especially in events like the 400 metres and 800 metres. When energy is required to perform an exercise, it is supplied by the breakdown of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). The body has a limited store of about 85grms of ATP and would use it up very quickly if we did not have ways of resynthesising it. There are to resynthesise ATP: ATP-PC, lactic acid and aerobic. The lactic acid system is capable of releasing energy to resynthesise ATP without the involvement of oxygen and is called anaerobic glycolysis. Glycolysis (breakdown of carbohydrates) results in the formation of pyruvic acid and hydrogen ions (H+). The pyruvic acid molecules undergo oxidation in the mitochondrion and the begins.
A build-up of H+ will make the muscle cells acidic and interfere with their operation so carrier molecules, called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), remove the H+. The NAD+ is reduced to NADH that deposits the H+ at the electron transport gate (ETC) in the mitochondria to be combined with oxygen to form water (H2O). If there is insufficient oxygen, then NADH cannot release the H+ and they build up in the cell.
To prevent the rise in acidity pyruvic acid accepts H+ forming the lactic acid that then dissociates into lactate and H+. Some of the lactate diffuses into the bloodstream and takes some H+ with it as a way of reducing the H+ concentration in the muscle cell. The normal pH of the muscle cell is 7.1 but if the build-up of H+ continues and pH is reduced to around 6.5 then muscle contraction may be impaired, and the low pH will stimulate the free nerve endings in the muscle resulting in the perception of pain (the burn). This point is often measured as the lactic threshold or (AT) or onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA). The process of lactic acid removal takes approximately one hour, but this can be accelerated by undertaking an appropriate that ensures a rapid and continuous supply of oxygen to the muscles.
Astrand et al. (1986) found that the normal amount of lactic acid circulating in the blood is about 1 to 2 millimoles/litre of blood. The onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) occurs between 2 and 4 millimoles/litre of blood. In non-athletes, this point is about 50% to 60% and in trained athletes around 70% to 80%. Lactic acid - friend or foe?
Lactic acid (lactate) is not. responsible for the burn in the leg muscles when exercising very fast. responsible for the soreness you experience in the 48 hours following a hard session. a waste product Lactate, which is produced by the body all day long, is resynthesized by the liver to form glucose that provides you with more energy.
Sounds like a friend to me. Lactate Shuttle Some of the lactate we produce is released into the bloodstream and used directly as a fuel by heart muscle, and by the liver to produce blood glucose and glycogen. The lactate shuttle involves the following series of events. As we exercise pyruvate is formed. When insufficient oxygen is available to break down the pyruvate then lactate is produced. Lactate enters the surrounding muscle cells, tissue and blood. The muscle cells and tissues receiving the lactate either breakdown the lactate to fuel (ATP) for immediate use or use it in the creation of glycogen.
The glycogen then remains in the cells until energy is required 65% of lactic acid is converted to carbon dioxide and water, 20% into glycogen, 10% intoand 5% into glucose. (Wesson et al.
(2004) p.79) It has been estimated that about 50% of the lactate produced during intensive exercise is used by muscles to form glycogen which acts as a metabolic fuel to sustain exercise. Krebs Cycle The Krebs cycle is a series of reactions which occurs in the mitochondria and results in the formation of ATP. The pyruvic acid molecules from glycolysis undergo oxidation in the mitochondrion to produce acetyl coenzyme A and then the Krebs cycle begins.
Three major events occur during the Krebs cycle. One guanosine triphosphate (GTP) is produced which donates a phosphate group to ADP to form one ATP; three molecules of Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and one molecule of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) are reduced. Although one molecule of GTP leads to the production of one ATP, the production of the reduced NAD and FAD are far more significant in the cell's energy-generating process because they donate their electrons to an electron transport system that generates large amounts ATP.
Cori Cycle The Cori cycle refers to the metabolic pathway in which lactate produced by anaerobic glycolysis in the muscles moves via the bloodstream to the liver where it is converted to blood glucose and glycogen. Hydrogen ions The breakdown of glucose or glycogen produces lactate and hydrogen ions (H+) - for each lactate molecule, one hydrogen ion is formed. The presence of hydrogen ions, not lactate, makes the muscle acidic that will eventually halt muscle function. As hydrogen ion concentrations increase the blood and muscle become acidic. This acidic environment will slow down enzyme activity and ultimately the breakdown of glucose itself. Acidic muscles will aggravate associated nerve endings causing pain and increase irritation of the central nervous system. The athlete may become disorientated and feel nauseous.
Aerobic Capacity Given that high levels of lactate/hydrogen ions will be detrimental to performance, one of the key reasons for is to enable the body to perform at a greater pace with a minimal amount of lactate. This can be done by long steady runs, which will develop the aerobic capacity by means of capillarisation (formation of more small blood vessels, thus enhancing oxygen transport to the muscles) and by creating greater efficiency in the heart and lungs. If the aerobic capacity is greater, it means there will be more oxygen available to the working muscles and this should delay the onset of lactic acid at a given work intensity.
Anaerobic Threshold Lactic acid starts to accumulate in the muscles once you start operating above your. This is normally somewhere between 80% and 90% of your (HR max) in trained athletes. What a low Lactate Threshold means If your lactate threshold (LT) is reached at low exercise intensity, it often means that the 'oxidative ' in your muscles are not working very well. If they were performing at a high level, they would use oxygen to break lactate down to carbon dioxide and water, preventing lactate from pouring into the blood. If your LT is low, it may mean that. you are not getting enough oxygen inside your muscle cells. you do not have adequate concentrations of the enzymes necessary to oxidize pyruvate at high rates.
you do not have enough mitochondria in your muscle cells. your muscles, heart, and other tissues are not very good at extracting lactate from the blood Improving your Lactate Threshold The aim is to saturate the muscles in lactic acid in order to educate the body's buffering mechanism (alkaline) to deal with it more effectively.
The accumulation of lactate in working skeletal muscles is associated with fatigue of this system after 50 to 60 seconds of maximal effort. Sessions should comprise of one to five repetitions (depends on the athlete's ability) with near to full recovery. Training continuously at about 85 to 90% of your for 20 to 25 minutes will improve your Lactate Threshold (LT).
A session should be conducted once a week and commence eight weeks before a major competition. This will help the muscle cells retain their alkaline buffering ability.
Improving your LT will also improve your. 2 days light training. perform a time trial.
2 days light training. repeat the time trial in a similar environment after bicarbonate supplementation The protocol for the bicarbonate supplementation would be to ingest 0.3grms of sodium bicarbonate per kg body weight approximately one to two hours before the time trial. For a 66kg runner, consume 20grms of sodium bicarbonate (about four teaspoons).
Side effects The side effects may take the form of pain, cramping, diarrhoea or a feeling of being bloated. Drinking up to a litre of water with the supplementation is often effective and should be carried out as standard. Breaking up the bicarbonate dose into four equal portions and taken over the course of an hour may also help. There are potential side effects of taking higher than normal levels of Sodium Bicarbonate so consult with your doctor first. Does massage help remove lactic acid? A study by McMurray (1987) compared the effects of, passive recovery, and mild bicycle riding (about 40% of max oxygen uptake) on lactate metabolism after an exhaustive treadmill run.
The subjects were trained runners who performed a maximal treadmill run to elevate the level of blood lactate and induce exhaustion after 4-6 minutes. Researchers sampled the subjects' blood lactate for up to 20 minutes after exercise and found that passive recovery (lying down supine) and had no effect on blood lactate levels, while mild bicycle riding caused a better removal of blood lactate 15-20 minutes after exhaustive exercise. This does not suggest that massage is of no benefit to athletes; all it means is that massage does not help with the removal of lactic acid. ASTRAND, P.O. (1986) Disposal of Lactate during and after Strenuous Exercise in Humans. Journal of Applied Physiology, 61(1), p. 338-343.
VAN MONTFOORT, M.C.E. (2004) Effects of Ingestion of Bicarbonate, Citrate, Lactate, and Chloride on Sprint Running. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36 (7), p. 1239-1243. McMURRAY, A.M.
(1987) The effect of massage on blood lactate levels following a maximal treadmill run. Thesis (M.A.) University of Northern Iowa. WILLIAMS, A.
(1996) Research suggests it may boost performance in short events, but it can have nauseating side effects. Peak Performance, 73, p. 6-7.
WESSON, K. (2004) Sport and PE. Great Britain, Hodder & Stoughton Educational Related References The following references provide additional information on this topic.