IS 456-2000Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice is an Indian Standard code of practice for general structural use of plain and reinforced concrete. The latest revision of this standard was done in year 2000, reaffirmed 2005. This code uses the limit state design approach as well working stress design approach, However the Code has used limit state design at majority of the places & recommends use of this.[1] It is written for use in India. It gives extensive information on the various aspects of concrete.
It contains five sections and eight annexures:
Civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, Anna university code books,SP 16 - 1980 DESIGN AIDS FOR REINFORCED. The structural practice handbook SP:16-1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS:456-1978 has tables and charts that helps structural.
The structural practice handbook SP:16-1980Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS:456-1978 has tables and charts that helps structural engineers to rapidly design simple sections. Bioprotect x cracked ios 12 1. Even though the design aid is based on the 1978 code, it continues to be used without revision as there have been no major changes to Section 5, on which the design aid is based.
The IS 456:2000 must be read along with other Indian Standard codes which supplement it: