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Sensu For Mac

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User documentation for installing and operating Sensu on Mac OS X systems.
  • Installing Sensu Core
  • Configure Sensu
  • Operating Sensu

Install Sensu Core {#sensu-core}

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Sensu Core is installed on Mac OS X systems via a native system installer package (i.e. a .pkg file), which is available for download.

WARNING: Mac OS X packages are currently as a 'beta' release. Support forrunning Sensu on Mac OS X will be provided on a best-effort basis until furthernotice.

Download and install Sensu using the Sensu Universal .pkg file {#download-and-install-sensu-core}

  1. Download the Sensu Mac OS X package.NOTE: the Universal .pkg file supports OS X 'Mavericks' (10.9) and newer.Mountain Lion users: please use this installer.

  2. Install the package using the installer utility{{< highlight shell >}}sudo installer -pkg sensu-1.4.1-1.pkg -target /{{< /highlight >}}

  3. Configure the Sensu client. No 'default' configuration is provided withSensu, so the Sensu Client will not start without the correspondingconfiguration. Please refer to the 'Configure Sensu' section (below)for more information on configuring Sensu. At minimum, the Sensu clientwill need a working transport definition and client definition.

Configure Sensu

By default, all of the Sensu services on Mac OS X systems will loadconfiguration from the following locations:

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  • /etc/sensu/config.json
  • /etc/sensu/conf.d/

NOTE: additional or alternative configuration file and directory locations maybe used by modifying Sensu's launchd daemon configuration XML and/or bystarting the Sensu services with the corresponding CLI arguments. For moreinformation, please see the configure the Sensu client launchd daemonsection, below.

The following Sensu configuration files are provided as examples. Please reviewthe Sensu configuration reference documentation for additional informationon how Sensu is configured.

Create the Sensu configuration directory

In some cases, the default Sensu configuration directory (i.e./etc/sensu/conf.d/) is not created by the Sensu installer, in which case it isnecessary to create this directory manually.

{{< highlight shell >}}mkdir /etc/sensu/conf.d{{< /highlight >}}

Example client configuration

  1. Copy the following contents to a configuration file located at/etc/sensu/conf.d/client.json:{{< highlight json >}}{'client': {'name': 'macosx-client','address': '','environment': 'development','subscriptions': ['dev','macosx-hosts'],'socket': {'bind': '','port': 3030}}}{{< /highlight >}}

Example Transport Configuration

At minimum, the Sensu client process requires configuration to tell it how toconnect to the configured Sensu Transport.

  1. Copy the following contents to a configuration file located at/etc/sensu/conf.d/transport.json:{{< highlight json >}}{'transport': {'name': 'rabbitmq','reconnect_on_error': true}}{{< /highlight >}}NOTE: if you are using Redis as your transport, please use 'name': 'redis'for your transport configuration. For more information, please visit thetransport definition specification.

  2. If the transport being used is running on a different host, additional configuration is required to tell the sensu client how to connect to the transport.Please see Redis or RabbitMQ reference documentation for examples.

Configure the Sensu client launchd daemon

The Sensu Core .pkg package includes a Sensu client daemon configuration,allowing Sensu to be run as a launchd job, or daemon. The OS X launchdservice and launchctl utility use a 'plist' file (an XML-basedconfiguration file) to configure the sensu-client daemon run arguments (e.g.--log /var/log/sensu/sensu-client.log).

  1. To configure the Sensu client service wrapper, copy the default servicedefinition file entitled org.sensuapp.sensu-client.plist to/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.sensuapp.sensu-client.plist and edit it withyour favorite text editor.{{< highlight shell >}}sudo cp /opt/sensu/embedded/Cellar/sensu/1.4.1/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.sensuapp.sensu-client.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.sensuapp.sensu-client.plist{{< /highlight >}}

  2. This XML configuration file allows you to set Sensu client CLIarguments. The following example configuration file sets the Sensuclient primary configuration file path to /etc/sensu/config.json, the Sensuconfiguration directory to /etc/sensu/conf.d, and the log file path to/etc/sensu/sensu-client.log.{{< highlight xml >}}

Labelorg.sensuapp.sensu-client ProgramArguments /opt/sensu/bin/sensu-client -c/etc/sensu/config.json -d/etc/sensu/conf.d -l/var/log/sensu/sensu-client.log UserName_sensu GroupName_sensu RunAtLoad KeepAlive StandardOutPath/var/log/sensu/sensu-client.log StandardErrorPath/var/log/sensu/sensu-client.log {{< /highlight >}}

Operating Sensu

Managing the Sensu client process with launchctl {#service-management}


Start or stop the Sensu client using the launchctl utility:

{{< highlight shell >}}sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.sensuapp.sensu-client.plistsudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.sensuapp.sensu-client.plist{{< /highlight >}}

Interacting with Sensu via CLI

Interacting with the any of the installed Sensu processes (e.g. sensu-client)via CLI on Mac OS X requires running the processes as the _sensu user, whichis installed by the Sensu OS X installer package.


{{< highlight shell >}}$ sudo -u _sensu /opt/sensu/bin/sensu-client -V1.4.1{{< /highlight >}}


  1. Enable Kubernetes (in the Docker for Mac preferences)

  1. Deploy the Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller

  2. Add hostnames to /etc/hosts

  3. Create a Kubernetes Ingress Resource


Deploy Application

  1. Deploy dummy app pods


  1. Deploy Sensu

  2. Configure sensuctl to use the built-in 'admin' user


  1. Create 'demo' namespace, user role, and role binding

  2. Create 'demo' user that is a member of the 'dev' group

  3. Reconfigure sensuctl to use the 'demo' user and 'demo' namespace

Deploy Sensu Sidecars

  1. Deploy dummy app Sensu Agent sidecars

  2. Scale dummy app

Simple Monitoring Check

  1. Register a Sensu Asset for check plugins

  2. Create a check to monitor dummy app /healthz

  3. Toggle the dummy app /healthz status

Deploy InfluxDB

  1. Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap for InfluxDB configuration

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  2. Deploy InfluxDB with a Sensu Agent sidecar

Sensu InfluxDB Event Handler

  1. Create 'influxdb' event handler for sending metrics to InfluxDB

Prometheus Scraping

  1. Register a Sensu Asset for the Prometheus metric collector

  2. Create a check to collect dummy app Prometheus metrics

  3. Query InfluxDB to list the stored series

Deploy Grafana

  1. Deploy Grafana with a Sensu Agent sidecar