Jan 24, 2019 Resident Evil 2 Remake Laboratory / Lab Puzzle Solution (1st & 2nd Playthrough Solution). Other RE2 Guides: All Endings. Beginner's Guide. All Mr Raccoons Locations. 100% Achievement Guide and Puzzle Solutions. Lockers, Safe Codes.
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The combination to the safe in front of the chief's desk at the police office,with all the zombies, is 2236. Open it to find shotgun shells and a map.
For Leon, when you see the licker, (I think thats what its called), for the first time, let it kill you 4 times. Afterwards go back in the room where you got the shotgun and the gatlin gun will be in the cabinet, but you must either switch the shotgun or the magnum you got at the beginning of the game to get it. (trust me, you will want the gatlin gun because it makes the game a whole lot easier).
Start a new game. Get to the Police Stationcourtyard, BUT DONT KILL THE ZOMBIES THERE! Lurethe 2 zombies to the entrance and let them killyou. If done correctly,the zombies outside willwalk through the wall and eat you.
On the B1 floor of the R.P.D station in the storage room that you needed a card key to get in to theirs four lockers two of them are closed the one to the right there will be special gun with 100% amo and on the right couner theirs two handgun amo boxes.
Start a new game on normal mode,go through thewhole beginning of the game(the gun store andthe alley)with out picking up any items.GO downthe alley where there are stairs and brad willbe there.Hes a zombie,enter the police stationand go in the stars room(2nd floor)and take aweapon from the storage(if your Leon,get theshot gun,if your Claire,get the grenade launcher)go back out of the police station and kill bradwith the weapon you got because you can't takehim down with your hand gun.Next check his bodyand get a botique key,unlock the storage in thedark room (1st floor)and there will becostumes.You can now change your costumes inthere.
To get this you must have one red, blue, andgreen herb in your inventory. First, you mix thegreen herb with the blue, and then add the redherb to the green+blue mixture use it at any timeand get invincibility for a few minutes. (This isreally helpful when fighting Tyrant or any boss)
To get the Custom Hand Gun you must be Leon andhave at least one small key, then go to the deskright outside the library and open the desk usingthe small key and combine the Hand Gun Parts tothe Hand Gun and you'll have the Custom Hand Gun.(this will shoot three bullets at a time when youchange the setting from manual to auto)
Start the game as a rookie. When you first startthe game you'll have a gattling gun, machinegun, and a rocket launcher with unlimited bullets.
In order to get the costom magnum. First when youget to the cable car where you shoot at the eyeguys hand. When you get off the cable car youwill see a cannon that shoots a flare. Use thelighter to shoot off the flare and it will reveala key. Pick up the key. Later in the game insideumbrella incorperated you will come across a abunch of lockers in the room before the roomwhere you find the key card. Use the key on thelocker with the light on it and use the key youfound by the flare cannon. Inside the locker ismagnum parts. Simply combine them with yourmagnum and you then have the custom magnum.
The easy and quick way to get the shotgun in thebeginning is first you start the game with eitherclair or leon and you get passed the zombies inthe beginning and once you get to the gun shot youmust go behind both counters and when the zombiesbreak in and eat the owner. You then kill thezombies and go to the dead owners body and searchhim and if your clair you'll get the bowgun andif your leon you'll get the shotgun.
In Leon or Claire's second scenario, the player will constantly run into a giantsuper zombie called Tyrant. Every time a Tyrant is defeated, the player can stealhis ammunition: Shotgun shells or magnum bullets for Leon, and grenade rounds orbow gun bolts for Claire.
When fighting the gator, and he starts coming towards you, go and inspect theyellow light on the left wall. Then, the light will fall off and the gator willeat it. Now while the light is in its mouth, shoot it and the gator willexplode.
The final stage has a bonus room that can be entered through a long but easyprocess. In the first scenario, have Leon or Claire use the red lab key card toenter the room with the giant flying moth. Kill the moth. Find the keyboardattached to the wall, kill the larvae on it and type your name in on the keyboardas 'GUEST'. Register your fingerprint. Go to the first floor of the lab and findthe thumbprint reader panel. Use your fingerprint, and the panel should then askfor a second 'fingerprint verification.' Complete the game, and save the secondscenario to any file. In the second scenario from the game you have just played,go to the final stage. Find the room on the first floor of the lab wherewriggling plant vines are blocking the vent. The red lab key card should bethere. Take it and go to the moth room with the keyboard. Enter your nameas 'GUEST' and register your thumbprint. Finally, go to the first floor and findthe thumbprint reader. It should ask for the 'secondary fingerprintverification.' Do it, and the bonus room to the right of the panel should beunlocked. Look for a special weapon inside.
While playing Leon's scenario, take the infinite ammunition shotgun and go to theroof where the helicopter crashed. Stand near the door leading inside, and makesure that a close-up view of Leon appears. Then, aim the shotgun at the screenand fire. Bullet holes will now appear. Note: This may also be done at anylocation where Leon can aim at the screen with the shotgun.
Search the desk on the left side of the S.T.A.R.S. office. The phrase 'Itstrashed someone must have searched it' will be displayed. Repeatedly search thedesk approximately fifty times until a roll of film is found. Take the film anddevelop it in the photo lab to see a picture of Rebecca in a basketball uniform.
Select 'Options' from the main menu or press Select while playing a game. Enterthe 'Key Config' screen, select 'Type C', then select 'Exit'. The quick auto-aimfeature should now be enabled. Hold R1 to get Leon or Claire to pivot and aim atany zombie they see, and press L1 while holding R1 to change targets. Note: Youstill have to hold Down to aim at crawling zombies and Up to aim at highertargets.
Start a game on the normal difficulty setting. Then, go to the police stationwithout collecting any items. Quickly move past the zombie that appears in thealley near the police station. Collect the shotgun, then kill the zombie. Takethe special key from the zombie's body and go to the dark room to open thelockers with alternate uniforms. Claire has a single alternate uniform, with aquick shooting revolver. Leon has two alternate uniforms, one of which will allowhim to shoot with one hand.
Successfully complete either character's first and second scenarios in less thanthree hours. Then, play the game again with the other character, and successfullycomplete their first and second scenarios in less than three hours. Play the gamea third time and complete either character's first and second scenarios again inless than three hours. Note: The game must be saved less than twelve times duringeach of the six scenarios played and bonus weapons must not be used. Tofu is apiece of tofu (food) that must reach the second floor of the police station fromthe sewer with just battles and no puzzles. Tofu can not use any weapons otherthan a knife.
Successfully complete either character's second scenario in under two hours andthirty minutes with saving less than twelve times. Hunk is a soldier that mustreach the second floor of the police station from the sewer with just battles andno puzzles.
Successfully complete either character's first scenario in under two hours andthirty minutes with an A or B ranking for the rocket launcher with infiniteammunition. Successfully complete either character's second scenario in under twohours and thirty minutes hours with an A or B ranking for the gatling gun withinfinite ammunition. Successfully complete either character's second scenario inunder three hours with an A or B ranking for the machine gun with infiniteammunition. Note: The bonus weapon will appear in the next game after the firstchest is opened.
Start a new game on Normal or Easy (Original Game only) and when the game starts, press select. Go to the Config. Menu and hold the R1 and press Square 10 times. If done correct, the words Manual will change to a red color. Exit the options menu and return to the game. You inventory will have a unlimited ammo handgun and an unlimited ammo knife. From there on any weapon you pick will have unlimited ammo.
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Created by: Brett 'Nemesis' Franklin.Read the full guide..
Created by: SoliAnt08.Read the full guide..
Created by: Adam3k3.Read the full guide..